Single-Source Global Manufacturing Solutions

Core Values

Our Guiding Principles. SQDC.

Although Unimacts operates on four continents and 15 countries worldwide, our leadership team, engineers, country managers, project managers, and team members are united by a shared commitment to a common set of core values.

These benchmarks are the guiding stars by which we steer our business. Anytime we encounter a challenge, question, or conflict at any stage of the international supply chain, we start with our priorities- Safety, Quality, Delivery, and Cost.

This framework and our ethics empower us to prove substantial value through the manufacturing and delivery process.


We provide nothing less than world-class quality through every process, product, and service we deliver.


We uphold uncompromising honesty, transparency, trust, and accountability through every word, decision, action, and result.


We are dedicated to eliminating waste — of time, energy, money, resources, thought — in all that we say and do.


We are dedicated to delivering processes, products, and services that have worth far beyond the cost of the resources required to produce them.


We value our partners, team members, customers, and the environment and encourage individual development, recognize worth and reward performance.

Continuous Improvement

We constantly seek better ways to improve our products, processes, and ourselves through relentless curiosity, versatility, creativity, resourcefulness, and innovation.


We are committed to shaping a better future for our customers, our company, our team, and our planet by putting the needs of others first.


We always give our very best and stand behind the quality, value, and performance of our products, services, partners, and customers.

  • Contact Unimacts for exceptional design engineering, logistics, and international manufacturing. Our flexible approach reduces part costs and delivers highly specified mechanical industrial products manufactured with world-class quality.

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