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Improving Long-Term Durability and Performance with Unimacts Solar Modules

Navigating the hurdles of severe climates is an important factor in the solar sector, where resilience affects performance and longevity. Unimacts Solar Modules excel in this area, with a track record of delivering excellent efficiency in temperatures ranging from -40°C to 85°C. This dependability is not just theoretical; it is supported by real-world performance measurements that indicate low degradation over years of operation in many climates. 

Unimacts ensures that each module can endure hail, high winds, and temperature extremes while maintaining efficiency and dependability by using modern materials and stringent testing processes.

This article digs into the issues of enhancing long-term durability and performance with Unimacts Solar Modules, including the many types of solar panels, their composition, and resistance in diverse weather conditions.


What are solar modules?

Solar modules, sometimes called solar panels, convert sunlight into electricity. They are composed of several interconnected solar cells that gather solar energy and transform it into electrical energy using the photovoltaic effect. These modules are utilized in various applications to create clean, renewable energy.

What are solar modules

Solar modules are commonly put on rooftops, ground-mounted systems, and large solar farms to generate residential, commercial, and industrial electricity. They can function autonomously in off-grid settings or be linked to the electrical grid. Solar modules are important in lowering fossil fuel dependency and promoting sustainable energy options.\


Types of Solar Panels

There are many different kinds of solar panels, and each has special qualities and uses. There are three main categories of solar panels:

  • 1. Monocrystalline Solar Panels:

Monocrystalline solar panels are distinguished by their high efficiency and elegant shape. They are composed of a single crystal structure. They usually have a uniform appearance and are black in color due to the use of single-crystal silicon. Cutting silicon ingots into thin wafers, which are subsequently integrated into cells, is the manufacturing process.

These panels are perfect for installations with limited space because they have the maximum energy production per square meter. They continue to be dependable and efficient even in high-temperature and low-light situations.

  • 2. Polycrystalline Solar Panels:

Polycrystalline solar panels consist of several silicon crystals fused together. They are typically blue in colour and feature speckled patterns. The production technique is less expensive than that of monocrystalline panels, hence they are more inexpensive.

While polycrystalline panels are slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels, they provide a decent cost-performance ratio. They are ideal for large-scale installations when space is not an issue.

A commercial solar farm in an open field can use polycrystalline panels to increase energy production while keeping costs down.

  • 3. Thin-Film Solar Panels:

Thin-film solar panels are created by depositing thin layers of photovoltaic material onto a substrate (e.g. glass, plastic, metal). They are flexible, lightweight, and may be made in a variety of forms and sizes.

These panels have lesser efficiency than crystalline panels, but they are useful in applications where flexibility and weight are crucial. They operate well in diffuse lighting and high temperatures.

Thin-film panels are suited for usage on curved surfaces, such as car roofs or unconventionally designed buildings.

What Are Solar Panels Made Of?

Understanding the materials that make up solar panels is critical for determining their longevity and performance. Solar panels typically include the following components:

  • 1. Photovoltaic (PV) cells:

Solar panels rely on photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are typically constructed of semiconductor materials like silicon. When sunlight hits these cells, it excites electrons, resulting in an electric current. PV cells use different forms of silicon, including monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and amorphous silicon. The type of silicon used influences the efficiency and durability of the cells. Unimacts Solar Modules use high-quality monocrystalline silicon cells for optimal efficiency and endurance.

  • 2. Glass:

The top layer of the panel is typically constructed of tempered glass. This glass protects the solar cells from external elements like rain, snow, and hail while yet enabling maximum light penetration. Tempered glass is sturdy and resistant to breaking. It also has anti-reflective coatings, which improve light absorption and prevent energy loss. In hailstorm-prone areas, Unimacts solar modules' tempered glass ensures they remain undamaged and functional.

  • 3. Encapsulant: 

This layer protects solar cells from moisture and mechanical harm. Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) is a common encapsulant material for solar panels. The encapsulant protects the PV cells, preventing moisture intrusion and maintaining long-term performance. 

  • 4. Backsheet:

The backsheet, located at the bottom of the panel, provides additional protection and insulation. It is often comprised of tough polymer materials that shield the panel from environmental degradation. The backsheet prevents moisture and debris from accessing the panel, extending the life of the internal components. In humid locations, a strong backsheet in Unimacts solar modules helps to prevent moisture-related concerns, extending the panel's life.

  • 5. Frame

The aluminum frame binds panel components together and allows for easy placement on various configurations. It provides structural support while also protecting the edges of the glass and PV cells. Aluminum frames are lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and can survive extreme weather conditions. The robust aluminum frames allow them to endure wind loads and other mechanical pressures.

How Long are Solar Panels Good For?

High-quality solar panels are typically designed to last for 25 to 30 years or more. This lifespan is influenced by factors such as the quality of materials used, manufacturing standards, and maintenance practices. Advances in solar panel technology and materials continue to improve durability, efficiency, and longevity, with some panels potentially lasting even longer than 30 years with proper care and maintenance.

How Long are Solar Panels Good For_

Solar Panel Durability & Output in Hot Weather

Unimacts solar modules are designed to withstand a wide range of weather conditions, including high heat. While high temperatures can impair efficiency by 10-25% due to increased resistance in solar cells, contemporary panels are designed to withstand these conditions while still producing electricity successfully. For example, a conventional silicon-based panel's efficiency may decrease by around 0.5% for each degree Celsius over 25°C. 

Unimacts Solar Modules use superior cooling technology and heat-resistant materials to provide peak performance even in hot regions. These advancements help to mitigate the efficiency loss that is typical of high temperatures. Unimacts modules, for example, can work more efficiently in hot weather than standard panels because to their superior thermal management technologies. Solar Panel Durability Under Extreme Conditions

This makes them ideal for areas like Arizona and Nevada, where summer temperatures frequently reach 40°C (104°F). 

The high-temperature-resistant materials also assure longevity and long-term performance, giving a dependable energy source even in the hardest situations.

  • 1. Temperature Coefficient:

The temperature coefficient indicates how a solar panel's efficiency declines with increasing temperature. Panels with a lower temperature coefficient lose less efficiency during high temperatures.

Unimacts solar modules have a temperature coefficient of -0.3%/°C, which means their efficiency decreases minimally with increasing temperature. This feature ensures that energy output remains stable even in hot temperatures.

  • 2. Heat-Resistant Materials:

Using heat-resistant silicon and durable encapsulants reduces thermal deterioration and increases panel lifespan. These materials can tolerate prolonged exposure to high temperatures without losing performance. Unimacts panels use advanced materials to ensure that they remain operational and efficient even in intense heat.

Solar Panel Durability Under Extreme Conditions

Solar panels are exposed to a variety of harsh weather situations, ranging from heavy rain and snow to hurricanes. Unimacts Solar Modules are designed to withstand the harshest circumstances, ensuring dependable performance and endurance.

  • Rain

Heavy rain can cause electrical problems if water gets into the panel's junction boxes or other electrical components. Proper sealing and waterproofing are required to avoid short circuits and corrosion. Flooding can also undermine ground mounts and other support systems, causing panel instability or misalignment. Misaligned panels capture less sunlight, lowering the system's total efficiency and efficacy.

Here are some features that make solar panels effective in heavy rain:

  1. Waterproofing: Unimacts panels are built using better waterproofing techniques, such as strong seals and high-quality encapsulants, to keep water out and safeguard internal components. Effective waterproofing keeps the panels functional and effective even during heavy rain.

  2. Self-Cleaning Coatings: Special coatings on the glass surface assist keep panels clean and debris-free, allowing for optimal light absorption and efficiency during rainy seasons. Self-cleaning coatings reduce maintenance requirements and improve panel performance by keeping the surface clean for light absorption. Unimacts solar modules' self-cleaning coatings ensure that they continue to collect maximum sunlight even in rainy and dirty situations, eliminating the need for frequent human cleaning.

  3. Durable Materials: Solar panels are made of materials that can tolerate extreme weather conditions, such as tempered glass and corrosion-resistant aluminium frames. Tempered glass is not only durable and impact-resistant, but it also helps to avoid water damage. Corrosion-resistant frames ensure that the panels' structural integrity is maintained over time, even when they are constantly exposed to moisture.

  • Snow

When snow covers solar panels, it blocks sunlight, preventing energy production. While inclined panels may shed snow, significant accumulation can lead to prolonged downtime, especially in regions with heavy snowfall. Ice can add considerable weight to the panels and mounts, causing physical stress and potential damage. The freeze-thaw cycle can also create microcracks in the panels over time, reducing their lifespan and efficiency.

Here are some features of Unimacts solar modules that make them suitable for high snowfall areas:

  1. Structural Strength: Unimacts panels' sturdy frames and tempered glass can sustain heavy snow loads without bending or breaking. Structural strength guarantees that the panels stay intact and functional even after heavy snowfall.

  2. Anti-Reflective Coatings: Anti-reflective coatings improve light absorption even when panels are partially covered in snow, resulting in consistent energy generation. These coatings boost panel efficiency in snowy circumstances by increasing the amount of light absorbed.

  3. Smooth, Angled Surface: The smooth, inclined surface of solar panels allows snow to simply glide off. Any leftover snow melts quickly due to the heat generated by the panels and the albedo effect, which causes snow to reflect sunlight, increasing solar panel efficiency by up to 10%.

  4. Durable Frames and Mounting Systems: Solar panel frames and mounting systems are composed of strong, corrosion-resistant materials such as aluminium and galvanised steel. These materials keep the panels securely in place and functional even in snowy circumstances.

  • Hurricanes

Hurricanes can cause significant damage to solar modules due to high winds, heavy rain, and flying debris. These storms can destroy or shift panels, weaken mounting supports, and cause water damage to electrical components such as junction boxes. Debris strikes can cause cracks in panel glass, which reduces efficiency. The entire disruption has the potential to damage inverters and batteries, reducing energy generation. Proper installation and frequent maintenance are critical for reducing these hazards and ensuring the longevity of solar panels in hurricane-prone areas.

Here are some features of Unimacts solar modules that make them suitable during hurricanes:

  1. Wind Resistance: Unimacts modules have been tested to withstand high wind speeds and the tremendous forces associated with hurricanes. The secure mounting mechanisms and strong frames protect against wind damage. High wind resistance guarantees that panels are securely placed and operable during severe storms.

  2. Impact Resistance: The tempered glass and strengthened backing materials offer exceptional protection against debris hits during strong storms. Impact resistance guarantees that panels continue to function even after being hit by debris during hurricanes.

  3. Flood-Resistant Mounts: Mounting systems should be built to withstand flooding and heavy rain. Flood-resistant mounts keep panels stable and prevent structural damage, ensuring they stay in place during inclement weather.

  4. Corrosion-Resistant Materials: All panels should be made of corrosion-resistant materials. This covers frame materials, mounts, and junction box enclosures. Corrosion resistance prevents corrosion and damage, extending panel life in damp conditions.


  • Hailstorms

Hailstones can be large and hard, capable of cracking or breaking the glass surface of solar panels. This damage not only affects the appearance but also reduces the efficiency and longevity of the panels. The cracks allow moisture and contaminants to enter, potentially leading to further degradation. 

Additionally, strong winds during storms can dislodge panels from their mounts or bend and break the mounting structures. This can lead to misalignment, reduced efficiency, or complete failure of the solar array, as misaligned panels receive less sunlight and generate less electricity.

Here are some features of Unimacts solar modules that make them suitable during hailstorms:

  1. Advanced Coatings: Solar panels can be protected using advanced coatings that reduce impact and debris damage. These coatings may have hydrophobic or anti-reflective qualities, which not only decrease dust and dirt buildup but also improve the panels' capacity to shed water and resist scratches. By keeping the surface clean and smooth, these coatings help maximise light absorption and increase total energy production efficiency.

  2. Tempered Glass Protection: Solar panels with tempered glass are required to withstand hailstones. Tempered glass is extremely durable and impact-resistant, minimising the likelihood of cracking or breaking when struck by hail. This protection not only preserves the panels' structural integrity, but also keeps them functional over time by preventing moisture penetration and subsequent corrosion.

  3. Robust Frames: In hurricane-prone places, strong, corrosion-resistant frames are essential. These frameworks offer structural support for the panels, keeping them from bending or breaking under physical stress. Corrosion resistance ensures endurance, especially in hostile environments where moisture or salt may be present.

  4. Flexible Modules: Solar panels that can flex slightly without breaking in extreme conditions are useful in locations prone to frequent hailstorms or severe weather occurrences. Panels' flexibility allows them to withstand blows without harm, reducing the possibility of cracks or shattered glass. 

Inspecting Panels After A Weather Event

Regular inspection of solar panels after extreme weather events is crucial to maintain their performance and safety. Here’s a guide to inspecting Unimacts Solar Modules:

  1. Visual Inspection: Look for noticeable damage including cracks, dents, or wobbly frames. Check that the glass surface is intact and clear of substantial debris. A comprehensive visual inspection can help you identify and repair obvious defects that may impair panel performance.

  2. Electrical Testing: You should use a multimeter to test the electrical output of the panels. Significant decreases in output may indicate internal damage that requires repair. Electrical testing guarantees that the panels are properly operating and producing the expected amount of power.

  3. Structural Integrity: Check the mounting systems and frames for evidence of bending or loosening. Make sure all fasteners are tight and the panels are firmly fastened. Ensure structural integrity to avoid potential safety issues and ensure the stability of the solar installation.

  4. Expert Evaluation: Consider hiring an expert to perform thermal imaging and detailed electrical tests to uncover hidden faults. Professional evaluations offer in-depth analysis and can assist discover concerns that may not be obvious during a normal examination.

  5. Clean Panels: If necessary, remove any debris, dust, or dirt that has accumulated throughout the weather event. Use a soft cloth and mild detergent, avoiding harsh products that may scratch the surface.

  6. Monitor Performance: After inspection and cleaning, check the panels' performance to ensure they are producing electricity as planned. Track energy production using monitoring software or meters, and look for any anomalies that could suggest underlying problems.

Regular inspection and maintenance help prolong the lifespan of solar panels and ensure they continue to operate efficiently, contributing to sustainable energy production. If damage is observed that requires professional repair, contact a qualified technician to assess and rectify the issue promptly.


In summary, Unimacts Solar Modules stand as a testament to durability, performance, and solar energy reliability in the industry. These modules, which are supported by extensive testing and cutting-edge materials, continuously deliver excellent efficiency and dependability in extreme temperatures. With a future when sustainable energy solutions will be more important than ever, Unimacts' dedication to innovation guarantees that their solar modules not only ensure high performance and reliability but also set a benchmark in the solar industry for durability and long-term sustainability. Accepting Unimacts Solar Modules is accepting a sustainable energy future with assurance because each installation is ready to flourish year after year in any setting.


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